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#199 Willliams-Phillips House3.JPG
#132 Vincent Home21.JPG
Landmark 179 FIrst United Medthodist Church-Sanger(1922).jpg
Landmark 211 L.C. Wesley Super Garage(1931).jpg
Landmark 156 Fig Garden Woman's Club(1926).jpg
Landmark 173 Sanger Depot(1887).jpg
#150 Hansen Home9.JPG
Landmark 230 Webster School(1889).jpg
Landmark 229 Fresno High School(1889).jpg
Landmark 242 Sun-Maid Growers Plant(1912).jpg
Landmark 212 Fig Garden Swin & Racket Club(1918).jpg
#125 Eymann Home2.jpeg
#73 Okonogi Home3.JPG
#330 Reedley High School 2main building nd821 cropped wm.jpg
#20 FCC4.JPG
#345 Palm Bluff Water Tower8.JPG
#181 Fowler Improvement Ass Clubhouse3.JPG
#144 Kearney Boulevard2.JPG
#51 St Ansgar's Church13.JPG
#11 Einstein Home1.JPG
#8 Dusy Home14.JPG
#105 Roessler Home5.JPG

Einstein Home (1913)

Wesley Super Garage (1931)

Fig Garden Woman's Clubhouse (1923)

Vincent Home (1904)


House: Riverview Ranch (1890)

Fresno High School ( 1889)

Sanger RR Depot ( 1887)

Sun-Maid (1912)

Dusy Home (1897)

Palm Bluff Water
Tower (1923)

St. Ansgar’s Danish

Lutheran Church (1884)

Fowler Improvement Association

Clubhouse (1910)

Kearney Boulevard (1890s)

Fresno Junior College (1910)

Webster School (Belmont) (1889)

Roessler Home (1914)

Eymann Home (1903)

Okonogi Home (1914)

Reedley High School (1898)

Hansen Home (1886)

Landmark 157 Carnegie Library (1914.jpg

Carnegie Library (1914)

First United Methodist Church (1912)

Fig Garden Swim & Racquet Club (1918)

Vincent Home (1904)

Reed Farm (1886)

Washington School-Selma.jpg

Washington School (1906)

Landmark 190 Paganucci Motel and Bar(1906).jpg

Paganucci's Motel and Bar (1906)

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